I'm having problems to test a method that has a ref parameter. I'm not the library/code owner, so I can't change it, so please do not suggest that I remove the ref parameter.
I'm using this website as reference: http://ayende.com/wiki/Rhino%20Mocks%203.5.ashx#OutandRefarguments
Here is the test:
public void TestBuildSimpleProfile()
// arrange
var barMock = MockRepository.GenerateStrictMock<ICommandBar>();
var controlBuilder = new ControlBuilder(barMock);
var user = new Usuario();
user.PRF_PERFIS = new Perfis();
var perfil = new Perfil();
perfil.FNC_FUNCIONALIDADES = new Funcionalidades();
var func1 = new Funcionalidade();
func1.FNC_NU_ID = 1;
func1.FNC_FL_ATIVO = true;
func1.FNC_NO_CHAVE = "Associar Registros";
func1.FNC_DE_FUNCIONALIDADE = "{0653aeac-c5ef-46fa-9e99-408719296ed3}";
var funcs = new List<IFunctionality>();
funcs.Add(new FunctionalityAttribute(1,"Associar Registros", "{0653aeac-c5ef-46fa-9e99-408719296ed3}", "SGIGT", true,"admin,editor"));
var uid = new UIDClass() { Value = "{0653aeac-c5ef-46fa-9e99-408719296ed3}" };
var arg = Arg<object>.Ref(Is.Anything(), 0).Dummy;
// act
controlBuilder.Build(user, funcs);
// assert
barMock.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Add(uid, ref arg), y => y.IgnoreArguments());
Here is the error I'm finding:
Rhino.Mocks.Exceptions.ExpectationViolationException : ICommandBar.Add(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UIDClass, 0); Expected #0, Actual #1.
I've already tried a number of ways, but it simply does not work. The build method implementation is below. This just receives a list of functions to build and an user, which has associated functions. If he has a function, it should be build, using the add method.
public void Build(Usuario u, List<IFunctionality> funcsToBuild)
if (u == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("u");
if (funcsToBuild == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("funcsToBuild");
if (u.PRF_PERFIS == null || u.PRF_PERFIS.Count <= 0)
var functionList = (from funcs in funcsToBuild
select funcs.FunctionDescription).ToList();
var userFuncs = (from profile in u.PRF_PERFIS
from functionality in profile.FNC_FUNCIONALIDADES
where functionality.FNC_FL_ATIVO.HasValue && functionality.FNC_FL_ATIVO.Value && functionList.Contains(functionality.FNC_DE_FUNCIONALIDADE)
select new FunctionalityAttribute((int)functionality.FNC_NU_ID.Value,functionality.FNC_NO_CHAVE, functionality.FNC_DE_FUNCIONALIDADE, "SGIGT", true, "")).Cast<IFunctionality>().OrderBy(x => x.FunctionId).ToList();
for (int index = 0; index < userFuncs.Count; index++)
IFunctionality t = userFuncs[index];
object i = index;
var functionality = t;
var uid = new UIDClass() {Value = functionality.FunctionDescription};
var ci = _commandBar.Add(uid, ref i);
Any chance someone can help me?