This question already has an answer here:
- Sort ArrayList of custom Objects by property 25 answers
I have a Class Student that Implements a static method
public static Comparator<Student> getCompByName()
that returns a new comparator object for Student that compares 2 Students objects by the attribute 'name'.
I need to now test this by sorting a students ArrayList by 'name' using my function getCompByName().
Here is my Comparator method in my Student class.
public static Comparator<Student> getCompByName()
Comparator comp = new Comparator<Student>(){
public int compare(Student s1, Student s2)
return comp;
And Main where I need to test
public static void main(String[] args)
// TODO code application logic here
//--------Student Class Test-------------------------------------------
ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList();
Student s1 = new Student("Mike");
Student s2 = new Student("Hector");
Student s3 = new Student("Reggie");
Student s4 = new Student("zark");
//Use getCompByName() from Student class to sort students
Can anyone show me how I would use the getCompByName() in my main to actually sort the ArrayList by name? Im new to comparators and having a hard time with their usages. The method returns a comparator, so Im not sure how this will be implemented. I know I need to use getCompByName() to sort, im just not sure how to implement it.