I have a very basic excel file for looking at the cost of shares and calculating a profit/loss %.
I have the initial purchase price in cell E3 and I have the current share price in F3. I have calculated the percentage profit/loss in G3 by the following formula
=(F3/E3)*100 - 100
What I now want is to be able to apply this formula to the whole G column as I enter a new share price into the F column, it will use E3 as a constant in the formula to calculate daily profit/loss. So the new formula I want is effectively;
=(Fi/E3)*100 - 100 Where Fi = F3, F4, F5, F6 and so on...
I have tried dragging the cell down to extend the formula, which works to an extent but it does not keep E3 constant so I get a divide by zero error.
Any suggestions? Thanks