
ng-repeat filter null value not displaying

2019-06-23 16:47发布


Why won't angular display values that are null when I apply:

ng-repeat="p in foo | filter: filter2"

where filter2 is

 $scope.filter2 = function(p){
    if (p.state === null){
        return p.state;
    } else{

here's a plnkr with what I'm saying: http://plnkr.co/edit/cj3v1fuBu6sHVI7A4qlq?p=preview

The filter works when it's anything but a null but I'm trying to only the null ones to display. I could try changing all the null values to a default value string other than a null? Is there anywhere to get the filter to work with nulls?


I think the only thing wrong was that you needed to return the entire object.

Based on Brad's comment below, I went and checked the docs and he's right. The only reason my code sample works is because it's returning a 'truthy' value.

I've modified my code example below to take that into account.

Here's the filter:

$scope.filter2 = function(p){
    if (p.state === null){
        return true;
    } else{

Here is the relevant section in the docs:

function(actual, expected): The function will be given the object value and the predicate value to compare and should return true if the item should be included in filtered result.



You can filter null items without writing a custom filter.

Using the code in your plunk, this will return the null items:

<ul ng-repeat="p in foo | filter:{state:'!'}" >

Conversely, this will return all non-null items:

<ul ng-repeat="p in foo | filter:{state:'!!'}" >

The double not operator converts any value to boolean: the first not operator ! converts a truthy value to a boolean false, the second one inverts the boolean back to true. In my tests the filter actually works just by using state:'' but I would use !! just to be on the safe side...


| filter:{expression} is expecting a true or false evaluation, not an object. Therefore:

$scope.filter1 = function(p){
    return (p.state === 'on');

 $scope.filter2 = function(p){
    return (p.state === null);


You can do like this as well

<ul ng-repeat="p in foo" >
  <li ng-if = "p.states">{{p.name}}</li>


You can test for Null in the expression like this:

ng-repeat="p in foo | filter:{state:null}"